Dr. Baning must go, Pantang hospital staff cry out and accuse him of wrongful rent deductions. - KAMENOEMPIRE.COM

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Monday, March 3, 2025

Dr. Baning must go, Pantang hospital staff cry out and accuse him of wrongful rent deductions.

 The embattled Hospital Director of Pantang Hospital, Dr. Frank Baning, seems to be courting trouble for himself week in week out.

The staff of Pantang Hospital were in tears and shock when they received  bank alerts for their February salaries showing only half of the amount they were expecting. Upon checking their payslips, it was realised that more than half of the salaries of staff was deducted as "Pantang hospital rent deduction".

The staff cannot still wrap their heads around why

the Hospital Director in his known autocratic manner would unilaterally cause the current Accountant who is fairly new to forward names of all staff to controller for rent deductions without prior permission from staff.

The strife within the Pantang Hospital community is gradually getting out of hand as authorities look on waiting for things to explode before this Dictator is re-assigned or asked to step aside.

Most staff that were affected pointed out that they were either already being deducted for rent at controller in the name of 'GoG rent' or they were paying rent on the table at the accounts department, so they were shocked to see this illegal deductions in these difficult times immediately after the Christmas and new year activities. 

Further revelations indicate that couples who work in the hospital were both deducted even though one of the spouse was already being deducted as GoG rent.

 Increased staff agitations

The staff have expressed their displeasure at how Dr. Baning was autocratically managing the hospital with his rubber stamp management team who essentially have no say but accept whatever He says or directs. This autocratic management style of his, the staff believe, has led to the current situation where most staff have to now borrow from friends and loved ones to survive since more than half their salaries has been wrongfully deducted.

The various unions in the Hospital met to discuss the situation, but the union heads who have been corrupted by Dr. Baning tried to plead for calm.

The GRNMA met on Friday but the meeting ended abruptly due to heated exchanges as some of their union leaders who are known to be in bed with Hospital Director refused to lead them to see Dr. Baning for them to tell him to his face that enough was enough.

The staff eventually sent a petition to the administration of the hospital requesting for immediate refund of the wrongful deductions, a halt in any plans to further deduct monies of staff in the name of sanitation or rent for Pantang hospital.

The staff also indicated in their petition the need for Dr. Baning to step aside to enable a thorough investigation as to how these deductions occurred without prior notice to the staff affected. This, the staff believe, would enable people to speak out about how Dr. Baning has systemically run down the hospital to the point of collapse.

MHA investigative committee

The Mental Health Authority having waited all these while has now been jostled out of its slumber to act, though belated. The authority has since last week sent some personnel to talk to staff about the happenings in Pantang Hospital. The focus of these interactions is on whether Dr. Baning is autocratic or not.

Most staff are at a loss as to how people are selected to speak to the committee especially since it's been realised its the departmental heads and union reps that are being invited.

A number of the Union reps have actually refused to honour such calls for fear of victimisation since the staff do not trust the Mental Health Authority to do a good job.

Some staff have also suggested a staff Durbar should rather be held for staff to air their views on the ills going on in the hospital that has made the work environment very toxic.

Basically, the staff do not trust their Union reps and heads of departments whom they accuse of being in bed with Dr. Baning to speak out for them.

More revelations about procurement infractions

One of the dummy Companies allegedly set up by Dr. Baning is managed by his partner, Rita. The name of this company is Black rock ltd.

Sources suggest that there may be more dummy companies that are fronting for Dr. Baning and supplying most items needed by the hospital.

 Call to action

The staff are calling on His Excellency, President  Mahama through the Minister of Health to cause a forensic audit of the hospital accounts over the period Dr. Baning has been Hospital Director.

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