I'm going to share this money with orphans who cannot afford to renew their health insurance membership - Edward Adeti - KAMENOEMPIRE.COM

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Monday, March 15, 2021

I'm going to share this money with orphans who cannot afford to renew their health insurance membership - Edward Adeti

Ecobank has rewarded Edward Adeti.
Edward Adeti after receiving the reward, He said that,
I'm going to share this money with orphans who cannot afford to renew their health insurance membership. 

I had intended to support the surgery of a boy at Sirigu if I had not been denied a Journalist of the Year Award some time ago. Some colleagues who dine with oppressors in this region, upon hearing about it, blocked the award with hate-driven lies. They were led by one individual who calls me all sorts of names but will never have me descend into hate campaign and indecency with him. 

What they did didn't bother me because I'm not into Journalism to put my interest ahead of the public interest. What bothers me is that the poor boy has died. He died weeks ago. He could have lived because the heavens know that I was bent on giving the award money to his mother (Gladys Ataabo) for the surgery doctors recommended for him. The blood of that boy and of the many who could have been better off but are not because those colleagues have joined forces with corrupt powers to get rid of me will remain on their own heads. 

I have suffered so much in courts at the hands of extremely evil men who are being passionately supported by these so-called colleagues. Perhaps, they were unable to block this one (award) either because they didn't see the final list or they saw it and tried to block it but the jury refused to be influenced. Blocking anything good is just one of the many untold evils being done by that group behind the public's back. Some people might not appreciate what I am saying because they honestly don't know what is going on. 
He added that, I wish to thank the good colleagues in the region for their support and for their true fight for development, for justice and for peace. The real end is ahead of all us to be judged according to our deeds, be they good or bad. I have begged of Gaspard Ayuureneeya (a colleague) to help identify some homes (orphanages) where health insurance membership renewal has been difficult for lack of money. Not only children but poor old people as well. I want to share this money with them. It is not because I have. I don't have; my close friends know it. It is because I'm working for the poor. It is your award, not mine. This is a gift for you in the line of duty. 

It is my prayer that none of you will share twilight tears at the end of your life. May passion, compassion and truth continue to prevail in all we do all the time. Let those who want to continue with their evil deeds carry on. They are not harming you, they are not harming me; they are harming God's poor people, like the poor boy who died recently at Sirigu. God bless and keep you all.

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